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Position:Home>History> True and false and if its false identify key terms chance to get 10 points?

Question: True and false and if its false identify key terms chance to get 10 points!?
1!.in (salutary neglect), a nation colonizes to create wealth for itself and to create markets for its goods

2!.during the american revolution, the (hessians) remained loyal to England

3!.according to the constitution, the (legislative branch) makes laws

4!.the process if handing out jobs to one's supportes is know as the (citizen system)

5!. the new industrial system that allowed for easy and quick assembly was (the corporation)

6!. (the underground railroad) was not really a railroad but a series of safe places to stay and a route to free teritories for runaway slaves

7!. recial segregation in public accommodations was upheld by the supreme court as long a the seperate accommodations were of (equal welfare)

8!. a group of workers who together to sttempt to receive better pay or working conditions is a (stockholder union)

9!. the professional public servant who are not appointed by the administration in power is (the civil service)

hope u help me out with this plzzzWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Ok I will give this a try!.!.!.

1!. F - Imperialism
2!. T
3!. T
4!. F - Cronyism
5!. F- Assembly Line!.!.!.I think!?
6!. T
7!. I am not possitive on this one!. Your answer could be right, although I have never hard of it in those terms!.!. I always just heard of it as "separate but equal"!.
8!. F - Labor Union

Hope I helped a little!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Okay, you shouldn't ask people to do your homework for you!. How will you ever learn!?
I suppose it's okay to ask a question if you are confused, but seriously!. Don't be lazy!. Go look up the answers for yourself!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

1] true 2]true 3]true 4]false 5]false 6]true 7]false 8]false 9]trueWww@QuestionHome@Com

Jesus! Do your OWN friggin' homework!Www@QuestionHome@Com