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Position:Home>History> What if America was the one putting women in Burqas and the Islamic nations were

Question: What if America was the one putting women in Burqas and the Islamic nations were living in the beer commercial
What if that PART of our ideologies were exchanged from the start!? Would anything change!? Would we be the ones mad at them!? Would we even be in a position to claim the title of richest nation in the world!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Wonder would still be guzzling beer no matter where I lived and I'd still wear a burka because it is a lovely and fashionable piece of head ware and it makes a great disguise!. Especially purple ones like this ultra fancy wig I am wearing now!.

<------ check me out ;)
Hot, huh!?
*wink* *cry* *wink*Www@QuestionHome@Com

What is the point of your question!? Are you asking if america was located in the middle east, and islamic nations were located in north america!?

I'm totally confused, also, your question has nothing to do with money so "Would we even be in a position!.!.!." is totally irellevent!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

That's not an intelligent question!.
It's more like saying , what if they were a super power!.
Well it would suck, wouldn't it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Then American people would be paranoid of beer!. It would be something they would criticize & bash Muslims for (even more than they now do with the Irish)!. Britney Spears wouldn't show too much skin while singing "I'm a slave for you"!. Instead, the American definition of degrading women would be letting them showing of like prostitutes!.

On the other hand, radical Muslims would make a huge fuss about women covering their faces like those women of the infernal!. & it would be a virtue for an Imam to drink!

By the way, they have a joke in the middle east of an Imam addressed the congregation while he was drunk!. Later on that day few men went to his house to talk to him!. They said "You said that king David shot Goliath with an AK47 & we ignored it!. They you said that Saladin destroyed the crusaders army with his B52s & we let it go!. But then you said that Joseph son of Jacob was sold to the New York Yankees for $7,000,000!.00 that's too much!"Www@QuestionHome@Com

They could NOT have been switched!. They are what they are for reasons!. IF they had been switched, America would not even exist, because it was founded on the principle of "individual rights" as governed through "common sovereignty!." There would BE NO America if they were 'switched!."

And if American Evangelistic Christians get the power over society that Muslims have through their policy of "shuria," then you might get your wish, with clothing restrictions, sharply denigrated free speech rights, sharply curtailed science, etc!.
Shuria http://www!.alhewar!.com/SadekShura!.htmWww@QuestionHome@Com