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Position:Home>History> Do Protestants in N.Ireland have the right to stop a United Ireland?

Question: Do Protestants in N!.Ireland have the right to stop a United Ireland!?
This question is not intended to offend anyone, Protestans where planted in Ireland under James I of England to try to prevent further Rebellion, but since Ireland was a Catholic country, do they still have the right to stop a United Ireland!? Opinions please!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
They make up a slim majority in Northern Ireland (NI)!. Thats why NI only comprises 6 of the 9 counties of Ulster; if NI was 9 counties it would have a Nationalist majority and would vote itself out of the Union with Britain!.

Interestingly, In the Republic of Ireland, they make up around 10% of the population!. This demographic of Anglo-Irish living in the Republic is largely ignored by their brethren north of the border!.

But as someone else said here, Ireland is becoming increasingly secular!. It is not about religion any more - it is pure politics!. Do they want to remain in the Union, or sever the ties for reunification!?

As it is pure politics, democracy will be the only way to solve it!. If the majority wish to remain part of the UK, we remain part of the UK!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's nothin to do with majorities or minorities!. Democracy and fairness says yes!. Unfortunately hostility decides a lot of the votes!.

It's not exactly about religion either, it's British and Irish!. This should have never happened, and it wouldn't have under today's laws, but things are as they are and we have to deal with them as they are!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, considering they make up the overwhelming majority of the population in Northern Ireland, I would say yes!. They've been in Ireland for four hundred years now, surely that is long enough to make them Irish!? How long do you have to live in America in order to be considered an American!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

As long as the majority of the northern Ireland population votes for it, yes!.
If this is the decision of a minority of the population, no!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


This is what a democracy is all about!.

They also have the right to support a united Ireland!.

With love in Christ!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

By a definition of modern democracy yes, they have a voice of opinion and the elected bodies are duly bound to represent this!.!.!. meanwhile back in the real world!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com