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Position:Home>History> Why did the americans win the revolutionary war?

Question: Why did the americans win the revolutionary war!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Five reasons why America won its freedom:

1!. England gave up!. They were dealing with the French and others--engaged on too many fronts!.

2!. George Washington always lived to fight another day!. Despite defeat after defeat, he managed to somehow maintain the army, get away, refused to quit!.

3!. England gave up!.

4!. We got invaluable help from the French!. Muskets!. Powder!. Loans!. Troops!. Their ships prevented Cornwallis from sailing away from Yorktown!. Leadership!.

5!. Oh, and did I mention that England gave up!?

The post earlier refuting some of the earlier claims was spot on!. Not all the "red coats" wore red coats!. And Washington's "Old Guard" wore red coats (easier to see through the smoke of battle and thus easier to rally to)!. And no we didn't rely on sniping and fighting behind rocks and trees!. That was more a case of the French and Indian wars!. Nah--we found better leaders (Daniel Morgan, Nathaniel Greene), the Brits discovered some stupid leaders (Howe and the fiasco that became Saratoga), Von Steuben and others taught our soldiers how to fight in mass in lines and not run at the first volley or at the sight of cold steel!. Even with about half the country being Tory, eventually the Brits just quit!. What was supposed to be a quick police action (round up a few leaders, set an example of them, put down some militia, sail into a city or two) turned into a case of chasing mice that always seemed to get away!. We authorized privateers and that was a great way to get rich--we pillaged tons of British shipping!. The war turned into a major nuisance for the Brits--bleeding money, ships, resources, and for what!? They had other fish to fry!. So they quit and went home!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

England was crippled after long European wars!.
England's King was literally a nutter! (George III -the loon)
Spain,France and Holland also were at war with England!. France virtually bankrolled American Independence!.

England also had East India Trading company etc to steal from so it was not such a popular war in England i!.e no real hunger from the English to 'keep' the American colonies!. Too many wars and interests elsewhere in the world (Africa,India,Plantation colonies, Australia, etc etc)
Civil Unrest at home!.!.Gordon Riots!.
Still reeling from our own civil war, king and parliament still battling for their political positions

Americans had more lust for the fight, they were fighting for their freedom, the English were fighting cos they were soldiers and that was their job!. No contest reallyWww@QuestionHome@Com

The help they received from Britain's main enemies France and Spain proved invaluable!. Britain's heart wasn't in the fight either as they considered the colonists fellow Englishmen - which is why 90% of the troops in America were not experienced or British at all but were either Hessian, Hanoverian or Prussian mercenaries or colonial loyalists!.
There was a great deal of objection to fighting in the colonies both in and out of Parliament and the general British populace had much sympathy with them!. The Revolutionary War was Britain's Vietnam!. Despite winning the majority of the battles it was impossible to deliver a coup de grace when it was unable and unwilling to do so!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

1!.) The Help of the Alliances of France and Spain that gave us supplies to fight the war, Train men to fight with, men that are skilled at European Drill to make are men more battle worthy (like Lafayette, a polish exile who trained are American Calvary, and the Prussian that skilled are Infantry) and final a navy to fight British control of the coast!.

2!.) Finally getting rid of the bad Generals like Lee (The only general that Washington cursed at) and Gates (Saratoga was won more because of Arnold {The famous Traitor} but Gates took all the credit)!. Washington also had add better advisers thanks to the alliance with France as well

3!.) Washington and other Genrerals were able to win the battles that count, and also was able to fight his way, a Guerrilla war, not a traditional European style until his troops were ready for that kind of battle

4!.) The foolishness of the British to not work to win the hearts and minds of the colonies and fight to prove that the colonists were not second class citizens to the crown!.

5!.) Distance was a factor because it was harder to supply the British troops then it was the Americans on their own doorsteps

6!.) The new idea of Sniping, British Commaders were targeted and picked off by skilled riflemen, reason for the victory at the last day of the battle of Saratoga!.

ra4bat, you forgot that other people were out their and using non-European war tactics, Take the Swap Fox who lead Cornwallis all around the South and made him have to go to Yorktown to resupply!. The Army didn't use the staderd European battle plan untill after they were fully trained in the way or they were setting up for failure!. New York and the Defense of Phill prove me right!. Are victories came out of using tatics that the Europeans were not ready for and not use to in the lands of Europe!. Washington, Lee, and Gates fought a little more tradional then most other generals that was part of the Revolution!. also the battlefield landscape have changed since 1700's and now!. Ironic how time changes everything!. also the Kentucky Long rilfes were a factor, not in numbers, but in how they were used!. The Brits didn't have the guts to fire and kill an officer deliberatly, the Americans did and did so a number of times!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

We were able to prove ourselves in battle and the French became our allies!. If it were not for French intervention, chances are we would have lost!. Even though Washington was a motivator of men, he was not a great tactitian!.
The color of the uniforms had nothing to do with it nor did knowledge of the land!. We did NOT employ "Indian tactics" or fight a guerrila war as many would have us believe!. The Pennsylvania Long Rifle was not that big of a factor in that less than 2% of the Continental Army carried them!. also keep in mind that the Brits had rifles, too!.
The Baron von Steuben trained the Continental Army while encamped at Valley Forge!. He trained the army in the European style of warfare, linear tactics!. When the Continentals faced the British at Monmouth in June of 1778, they fought the British to a draw using their own tactics!. also, I have been on every major battlefield of the AWI and there are not enough rocks and trees for an army to hide behind!. We won the Revolution due to training and French intervention!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

A) The French helped us out
B) On Christmas, George Washington lead a group of men and ambushed the British who weren't expecting it because of the holiday!.
C) Americans did not have brightly colored unifroms, unlike the British, so they did not have a huge red and white target on their bodies, but were able to blend in with the surroundings and sneak up on the enemies!.
D) The Americans knew the land better, therefore they had the upper hand

Hope this helped! = )Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because the British lost!. Ok, The main factor was the distance!. It was just to expensive,and difficult,to fight that far away from there home land!. Other factors helped to, The French, and we used more gorilla type tactics, They made pretty good targets in there bright red uniforms!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

with the help of spain and france
they had strong leadership from George Washington
they fought on their own land and that was an advantageWww@QuestionHome@Com