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Position:Home>History> John F. Kennedy Assassination Questions?

Question: John F!. Kennedy Assassination Questions!?
1!. Why was JFK in Dallas on November 22, 1963!?
2!. Who was in the limousine with JFK!?
3!. Who else got shot!?
4!. What is the Warren Commission and what did they conclude or find out!?
5!. Who are important members in the Warren Commission!?
6!. Who is Jack Ruby!?
7!. Why do Americans believe this assassination is a conspiracy!?
8!. What is the history and background of Lee Harvey Oswald!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
1!. JFK was up for re-election in 1964 and he needed Texas to get win!.
2!. Along with JFK was his wife, Jaqueline, and John Connelly, the governor of Texas, and his wife!.
3!. Governor Connelly was wounded by the second bullet after it passed through the president!.
4!. The Warren Commission, chaired by Supreme Court Chief Justice Earl Warren, was appointed by President Lyndon Johnson (JFK's successor) to investigate the assassination!. The Warren Commission concluded that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone as the assassin!.
5!. Two note worthy members of the commission were future President Gerald Ford and future US Senator Arlen Spector!.
6!. Jack Ruby was a Dallas nightclub owner who shot and killed Lee Harvey Oswald as he was being taken out of a Dallas police station!.
7!. Back then, it was not thought possible that someone could kill an American president, even though three previous presidents had been assassinated!. Now, some people seem to believe anything, like those nutty 9/11 conspiracy!.
8!. Lee Harvey Oswald was youngest child of a widowed mother!. He enlisted in the Marine Corps and later travelled to the Soviet Union!. Oswald had delusions of granduer and wanted to become famous; killing the president seemed to be the way to do it for Oswald!.

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