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Position:Home>History> What do you knew about Che Guevara?

Question: What do you knew about Che Guevara!?
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Ernesto "Che" Guevara is one of the most revered and reviled people in the history of the Americas!. He became an icon of revolution!.

Born into a well-to-do Argentinian family, he went on to study medicine!. After completion of medical school, he went on a motorcycle tour of the Americas with a friend!. It was during this tour (recorded in the book and movie entitled "The Motorcycle Diaries") that Guevara observed what he believed was the unjust treatment of the workers!. It was the beginning of his life as a Communist!.

He met and was befriended by Fidel Castro, later joining Castro's successful revolution!. During the revolution, Guevara became one of Castro's most trusted advisors!.

After the revolution, Guevara wanted to spread the revolution throughout the poor countries of the world!. It became a sore spot between Castro and Guevara!. Guevara went to Africa where his attempts to foment revolution failed!. Eventually, he went to Bolivia where the Bolivian army, with the help of the CIA, tracked him down in the jungles and executed him!.

Guevara is either admired or hated!. Those who admire him do so because of what they perceive as his idealism and sincere attempts to better the lives of the poor, even giving up a relative life of luxury as a doctor to become a revolutionary!. Those who hate him do so because they believe him to have been a ruthless murderer!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

This issue of Che Guevara being "revered and reviled" is complete nonsense!. The same could be said for George Washington or George W!. Bush!. Instead of that horrible revered-and-reviled cliche, show some intelligence and answer the question without making judgements, one way, the other way, or both ways!.

Che was originally from Argentina!. He graduated from medical school and participated in the Cuban revolution which took down American-backed dictator Batista!. Che was restless!. I spoke with an African revolutionary who knew him many years ago!.

He met his downfall in Bolivia, during a struggle to get a revolution going!. He is known worldwide as a symbol of revolutionary change!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

just another communist mercenary

Of course he has many advantages over other types- eg Beria was never so photogenic

quite efficient in his chosen profession of murder!. However when he was placed in a ministerial position in Cuba he rapidly became an embarassment - too obviously incompetent!.

the communists then shunted Che to Bolivia and set him up for martyrdom (by cutting off supplies)!. Then (only after his death was confirmed) he was "canonized" by massive propaganda effort (funded in part by what Lenin referred to as the "useful idiots of the west")Www@QuestionHome@Com

Guevara was a revolutionary leader from Argentina who helped Fidel Castro attain power in Cuba!. He was executed by the Bolivian army on October 9, 1967!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Che was in charge of ordering the executions for Fidel after the Batista regime was overthrown!.

I am delighted that the Bolivians showed good judgement in shooting him!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Despite depictions in popular culture Che Guevara was a hired killer, however!.!.!. one mans freedom fighter is another mans terrorist!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

More than you do!.Www@QuestionHome@Com