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Position:Home>History> Medival europe question?which century the women stopped wearing tunic?

Question: Medival europe question!?which century the women stopped wearing tunic!?
Medival europe question!? I'd like to know which century or which era!? the women stopped wearing the long flat tunic, wimble and braids and begin to wear the bloom petiticoat and the kloset to show off their fat breats!?

and I also would like to know was the bloom petitcoat already worn in tudor time!? by all henry 8 wives!? as I have read from the book their petitcoats were in the bell-shape!? but in the flim "stupid Boleyne girls" they seems to wear the bloom petitcoats which itsn't different from "marie antoinette"!? so what's true!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
early 19th century!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com