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Position:Home>History> History question? Callan Park Lunatic Asylum/Rozelle Hospital?

Question: History question!? Callan Park Lunatic Asylum/Rozelle Hospital!?
Any information anyone has on Callan Park Hospital (now Rozelle Hospital) in Sydney, Australia would be extremely helpful, especially if it's from the 1930s-1960s!. But any would be great!.


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Your most comprehensive source would likely be the, "Report of the Honourable Mr!. Justice McClemens, Royal Commissioner Appointed to Inquire into Certain Matters Affecting Callan Park Mental Hospital," published by the government printing office in 1961!.

Professor Sir William Trethowan, a noted pyschiatrist, offers this vivid description of the institution when he arrived there in 1956:
"!.!.!.there were 2000 patients!. Every door was locked!. the male patients, and the female for that matter, were kept in airing courts, place with large high wire fences like you see in a zoo!.!.!.!.There were four doctors: The Medical Superintendent, suffering from a chronic illness and unfit for work most of the time; two Medical Officers, one of whom had never been taught any psychiatry and another who couldn't speak English; and the Deputy Medical Superintendent!.!.!.who was really running the hospital!.!.!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

you should try typeing it on yahoo or google

i found when i had to research something on MSN u can get robots
u type in what u wanna know and they tell u

