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Position:Home>History> Question about Abraham Lincoln?

Question: Question about Abraham Lincoln!?
When in the history books did Abraham Lincoln ever show integrity!?
Little cousin just asked me this and I can't get to the library and I haven't found the answer on the Internet!.

The one thing I remember and hopefully this is not from a movie I saw, Is that Abraham was selling some items to a family and he owed them two pennies and he travels through two cities to give the family the two pennies he owed them!. Oh and is this the story where he gets the name Honest Abe!? Is this correct!? Was this one of his acts of integrity!?
Please help me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The story on this site might help: http://www!.inspirationalstories!.com/4/43!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com