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Question: U!.S history Question!. Easy 10 pts!?
Anwere the following question regarding of the poster below!. (Click on the link to see the poster)!.


What Government purpose(s) is served by the poster!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The purpose of getting the American citizens to keep their soldiers fighting against the enemy (Nazi Germany and Militarist Japan) by producing war materials is the purpose that is served by the poster!.


During WWII the population of the U!.S!. were paranoid about Germany attacking from the east coast and the Japs coming from the west!. This was a very prevalent poster in every city and town across the country to warn people to watch for possible invaders!.
I lived in a small town in extreme south Missouri where there was nothing but cows and chickens and a few hogs!. A place of no military value, yet, we had a civil guard that would be the acting force if either of our enemies had showed up!. They were also posted around military bases as a warning to be observant of any possible saboteurs!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

fear creates motivation and a sense of urgency!. Through propaganda the U!.S could get more recruits who feared if they didn't act now it would be too late, and also get workers to work harder as well!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

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Don't order me around!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

To cause world wide panic!?Www@QuestionHome@Com