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Position:Home>History> What historical piece would you value most at auction?

Question: What historical piece would you value most at auction!?
Julius Caesar's sandal, Hitler's toothbrush, or a deck chair from the Titanic!. The list is endless, but what would take your eye and all of your money!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Hi Spartacus
If I could afford them, then I would bid on;
[1] A Wig worn by Elizabeth 1!.
[2] Charley Chaplin's Walking Stick!.
[3] Field Marchall Rommel's Field Glasses!.
[4] One of the knives used to murder Julius Caesar!.
[5] The first ever Coke a Cola bottle!.
Spartacus, the one I would spend everything on, would have to be;
The Beret worn by Che Guevara!.
There, that is my contribution!.
good luck my friend,

Deck chair from Titanic!. Or a poster advertising the maiden voyage of Titanic!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Anything from Napoleon Bonaparte or his first wife Josephine!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

James Madison's notes from the Constitutional Convention!Www@QuestionHome@Com

A deck chair off the titanicWww@QuestionHome@Com

Jim Morrison,s hand written book of poems(American prayer)Www@QuestionHome@Com