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Position:Home>History> What invention had a greater impact on its time? the telephone or internet?

Question: What invention had a greater impact on its time!? the telephone or internet!?
both connected the world in ways never seen before

think the about how it affected the time in which it was invented

and if you could explain why, thatd be great too!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The Internet!. Its influence was far more varied and quicker!. I live and work in Latin America and have seen towns respond indifferently to telephones put in and go rapturously nuts over Internet cafes!. Telephones were a slight improvement over the telegraph!. The Internet is really so much more capable that you can not consider it an improvement of the telephone, it is a completely different animal!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

none, think about it, not only are they both great and effective, but both are verry effective as well as resourceful communicating devices, today u can instant message on the web, just like u'd talk on the phone, but then again on a phone, you have the web access available along with the phone, so u would think the phone, but it's really up to the person useing the item and what they want it for, like do they travel a lot, if so then a labtop or a phone would do if not then the other way around, see what i mean!. well hope i helped!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'd say the internet!. Although they both connect people, the internet connects in so many more ways than the phone does!.Www@QuestionHome@Com