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Position:Home>History> What was gandhi's childhood and youth like?

Question: What was gandhi's childhood and youth like!?
i heard that he was a trouble maker and got himself in bad situations and slept with other women

is this true!?

nothing against gandhi because even if this is true he managed to turn it aroundWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
No, that is not true that he was a troublemaker!
Ghandi grew up with a devout Jain, his mother!. Jainism is a religion that believes all life forms are equal, including the smallest of creatures!. Some do not eat root vegetables like carrots and yams for fear of killing microorganisms in the process or simply in order not to harm the plant itself!. Thus Ghandi was a vegetarian and adopted other Jain traditions from a young age, which would widely influence him in his later years in ideas of nonviolence!.

On sexual matters, he was arranged to be married at 13 years old, as that was the custom in that time!. He did have his first child at 15 years old, although it lived only a few days!. He cared for his ill father almost all the time; however, at one point he had sex with his wife, and this was when his father died!. This led Ghandi to form ideals about celibacy!. Near the end of his life, Ghandi undertook experiments with Brahmacharya, wanting to test his willpower!. In these experiments he slept naked in bed with other women, and presumably did not have sex with them!. He wanted to control sexual desire and eliminate it completely!. So yes, he did "sleep" with other women, but probably didn't have intercourse, as he wrote to his grand-niece, whom he also practiced this experiment with, claiming he successfully passed the trials!. N!.K!. Bose, a close companion of Ghandi, stated that “there was no immorality on part of Gandhi!. Moreover Gandhi tried to conquer the feeling of sex by consciously endeavouring to convert himself into a mother of those who were under his case, whether men or women!." To Ghandi, this was the ideal--to become sexless as taught by Jesus!. In another letter he asserted, "A man should remain man and yet should learn to become woman; similarly, a woman should remain woman and yet learn to become man!." This was his intention in the experiments!.Www@QuestionHome@Com