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Position:Home>History> Why does greeks always answering Macedonian questions?

Question: Why does greeks always answering Macedonian questions!?
Always when I am asking questions about Macedonia Greeks keep answering the questions!. I just want to heard the truth not lies about Macedonia!.!.!.I am right and how to prevent this annoying from them!.!.!.!.please helpWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Because they want their propaganda to be heard, but the thing is that the world already knows the truth and that hurts them!. That's why they insult instead of facing us with historical factsWww@QuestionHome@Com

Rubydragon answered your "question" perfectly well, in case there was a question!.
Now, if you stop calling your country Macedonia and stop asking questions reg Macedonia, we can stop answering!.

BTW if we name our Macedonia "Aegean Macedonia", as is listed on your maps, do you agree to name your new country "Vardarska" as is also listed there!?
This will settle the dispute, don't you think!?
Let's see now who you pick as best answer!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because Macedonia is a region in Greece and everyting is asked about this,should be answered!.
If you ask about Crete or Thrace Greeks will answer as well!.
I still wonder though why the AlbanoBulgarians from the x-yugoslavia are answering to questions about Macedonia!.!.!.!.!.!.!.
Edit:I'm Macedonian,
We are facing you with historical facts,like all the findings that have been found and all the truth about what Macedonians speak,what gods they did worship!.what origin their names had,but you never answer!.
There are answers open in Greek section concerned this issue,but why don't you answer!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

who knows what goes inside of the greek brains ai!?!?!?
they are all budalas as far as im concerned!.!.!.!.!.!.!.
they cant even establish the difference between what is theirs and ours!?!?!?!? there is one macedonia just as there is one greece which was formed from macedonia!.!.!.!.!.
they always do this because they have to cover up the truth otherwise they will be looked down upon in shame from the rest of the world for their inhumane ways & acts in the stolen part of OUR MACEDONIA!!!!! and all the people that say macedonia lies well at least we are not brainwashed by our government because they only go by what is told to them by their government about what so called 'bad' things macedonia does but i think every greek should visit the stolen part of macedonia to witness for themselves what really goes on in that part of our stolen land!.!.!.!.

all in all the greeks answer questions about macedonia because they like to look up questions about the ancestors and their original country form of MAKEDONIJA!!!!! and they know that deep down in their blood and at the top of their family trees that us macedonians are on top just like where we belong!.!.!.!.!.! :>

GREECE IS MACEDONIA!!!!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because you ask questions about our country!. If you want to spread the 'truth' go to the US they seem to be all ears!. They offer plenty of their 'help' to you

also, blocking and reporting our answers/questions is a good method you've been using and just shows how you deal with the real truth!. As for Macedonia and your claims Μολ?ν λαβ?!.

EDIT: also, you sleep too much and you dream even more!. Maybe you should ask your questions at Y! A & Q in your dreams!. We can only be a nightmare there!.

EDIT: That 's new: you have a goverment too!.!. well!.!.!.!. !.!.!.!. !.!.!. !.!. and we are sheep, we cannot read, write, we have not travelled!.!.!.!. For all of you read this: Greek people do not expect what the goverment will say, they are not our sheperds!. It might be because you do not know it as you are a newborn country (what is it 40-50 years in name and then how many after communism) but here people (additionally to other things) have a little book, it is red, (not Mao's writtings) it has paper pages in it , it says passport and with this we can travel wherever we like and see things and make up our own minds!. It takes some time to rub off the communist qualities but you'll get there!. Until then don't assume the rest of the world is like you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because I t has to do with their country!.
Macedonia is a region in Greece and also ancient Macedonians were a Greek tribe!.
So I find it really normal for Greeks to answer about Macedonia!.
So why don't you ask why Italians are answering to questions about Rome and Romans!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because Greeks are suffering from national schizophrenia: They want to be Greeks, but at the same time to be Macedonians, too!.
But, the whole world knows they are only newcomers, refugees from Asia Minor, settled in Macedonia!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes this annoying!.!.please stop calling macedonia!.!.your country!.!.!. macedonia is greek!.!.!.!.but iam tired of this stupidity!.!.!.as one of my greek sisters said and i will say the same!.!.!.!.MOLON LAVE!.!.!.!.!.opps i forgot you slavs are monosylobic!.!.you cant understand!.!.!.so i will expalin!.!.!.!.COME AND GET IT!.!.!.!.gia tin ellada re gamotoWww@QuestionHome@Com

Beacuse Macedonia is Greek !.!.!. what you may refer to is the ex-communist nation of Slavic-Bulagrian revolutionaries!.!.!. the fyrom!.!.!.!.
Learn your name and learn it wellWww@QuestionHome@Com

You just ignore them!.!.!.it's very easy:)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm not sure what kind of questions you are asking but I think maybe part of the problem is that there are two Macedonias!.

One is the Republic of Macedonia, a current state, member of the United Nations since 8 April 1993 under the name of "the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia" !.

The other one is Macedonia (Greece) or Greek Macedonia, a region of Greece!. Its territory covers most of the region of ancient Macedon and most of the Kingdom of Macedon, once famously ruled by Alexander the Great!. Greece gained the region from the Ottoman Empire, after the Second Balkan War with the Treaty of Bucharest (1913)!.

Since World War II, Greek Macedonia is sometimes called Aegean Macedonia, a term introduced by Tito in 1945 to lay claim on Greek Macedonia and in the build up to the Greek civil war!. Although this term is now used mostly by Macedonian Slavs (Bulgarians) and occasionally in historical contexts, it is strongly disliked by many Greeks (particularly Macedonians), who remember that after WWII, Tito's communist Yugoslavia began to remove the 'Greek' qualifying term in order to justify territorial claims against Greek Macedonia!.

During the first half of the twentieth century, major demographic shifts took place, which resulted in the region's population becoming overwhelmingly ethnic Greek!. In 1919, Bulgaria and Greece signed the Treaty of Neuilly, which called for an exchange of populations between the two countries!. According to the treaty, Bulgaria was considered to be the parent state of all ethnic Slavs living in Greece!. Most ethnic Greeks from Bulgaria were resettled in Greek Macedonia; most Slavs were resettled in Bulgaria but a number, remained, most of them by changing or adapting their surnames and declaring themselves to be Greek so as to be exempt from the exchange!.

In 1923 Greece and Turkey signed the Treaty of Lausanne, and 600,000 Greek-speaking refugees from Anatolia were resettled in the region replacing Macedonian Turks and other Muslims (of Albanian, Greek, Roma, Slavic and Vlach ethnicity) under similar terms!.

The Macedonians have a strong regional identity, manifested both in Greece and by emigrant groups in the Greek diaspora!. This sense of identity has been highlighted in the context of the Macedonian naming dispute after the Breakup of Yugoslavia, in which Greece objects to its northern neighbour calling itself the "Republic of Macedonia", since explicit self-identification as Macedonian is a matter of national pride for many Greeks!.

As I said before, I have no idea what questions you have asked that you have gotten answers from Greeks that wasn't what you expected, but Macedonians ARE Greeks, unless you're talking about the "the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia" and there is a lot of tension between the two of them!.

I hope I was able to explain this so that it makes sense!?Www@QuestionHome@Com