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Position:Home>History> What factors helped Rome become a military power?

Question: What factors helped Rome become a military power!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
- A strong military tradition and sense of Rome's might
- Superior organisation (both of armies and campaigns)
- High quality arms and armour
- Tactics that suited their fighting style
- Rigorous training
- Combination of Roman legionaries and Barbarian Auxiliary
- Massive superiority in resources
- Some very skilled commanders (ie Scipio, Pompey, Caesar, Agrippa, Trajan, Constantine!.!.!.)
- An ability to learn from previous mistakes and avoid repeating themWww@QuestionHome@Com

An organised structure of its forces, compared to most forms of warfare and battle the 'Roman' (very few soldiers actually came from Rome) army out performed its enemies with spectacular results!.
Additional: a professional army gave time to practice tactics as opposed to warrior/farmer nations they faced!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Strong leadershipWww@QuestionHome@Com