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Position:Home>History> Does history show that multi cultural societies always fail?

Question: Does history show that multi cultural societies always fail!?
will U!.S too!?because of different races, religons!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
That's kind of insulting!. Comparing america's multi cultural-ism to another country's multi cultural society is like comparing a kit car to a Rolls!. Don't do it!.

And no!. I don't see multi cultural societies failing through history!. I see mega powers growing too large for their own control and falling, shifting the world's power to a better empire!. Examples include Rome, Great Britain and currently the united states!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Here in Britain it seems to work (despite moans & niggles)
We are:
English, Welsh, Scotish and Northern Irish
That's not including other indigenous Brits, the Cornish, the Manx and the Channel Islanders!.
And then there are the later arrivals; welcome to Jews, West Indian, South Asian, Chinese, African and Australasians!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No history does not show this!.
Cooperative societies tend to be longer lived however they also tend to be pacifistic and prone to invasion by tyrants!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No, 232 years of American melting pot pride! We're not even close to failing, and no a recession does not count as close to failing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com