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Position:Home>History> Because he was disturbed by the poor conditions of city life, George Pullman?

Question: Because he was disturbed by the poor conditions of city life, George Pullman!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
d) Planned and built a "company" town next to the factory!.

What you have to remember though, was that this kept his workers in virtual slavery!. He paid his workers in company script that was only spendable in the factory-owned stores, so no worker could ever get any cash, so they could never afford to move away!. They were the equivalent of medieval serfs!.

BTW, it was the Pullman strike that Teddy Roosevelt busted using US Army troops manning the railroads!. Pullman wanted the strikers executed, and had many killed by "comapny detectives" (Pinkertons aka Pinks, or later Finks)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think it is D!. The neighborhood was somewhere in Chicago I think!. Not quiet sure!. I think I remember this though from US history like 4 years ago!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

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