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Position:Home>History> Axis Communication???

Question: Axis Communication!?!?!?
I was wondering (for a SOSE project) how the Axis forces in WW2 (germany, italy, japan) communicated with each other!? As in what language they used as there is no common language between them!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
A good way to approach the study of this problem would be to examine the activities of the three major Axis diplomats: Joachim von Ribbentrop (Germany), Galeazzo Ciano (Italy), and Hiroshi Oshima (Japan)!. Wikipedia has good articles on all three!. Here's the links:


My guess is that Oshima probably spoke German to Ribbentrop, and that Ribbentrop spoke Italian to Ciano!. Usually discussions of diplomatic meetings in history books skip over such details!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Telegraph, train (after all the soviet union was an ally of Hitler for a significant part of the war) and later via submarine and ship (several "blockade runners" travelling both ways)

messages exchanged by ambassadors in neutral countries- Turkey or Spain or Switzerland or Sweden

language!? theres quite a few translators around!. every embassy employs a few!.Www@QuestionHome@Com