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Position:Home>History> Will they ever see the promised land?

Question: Will they ever see the promised land!?
"The most happiness for the most people!." A statement made about 150 years ago as a guide to any successful Government!. Yet look at where we are today as a result of yet another false promise, "New Labour!" A winter of discontent awaits the working class faced with high costs for civil rights such as heat, food and water!. The gap between richer and poorer gets bigger as every week brings news of a new tax or job losses!.
Have we learned nothing from history, when we read of the promises made to French people of 1789, the Russians' of 1917 and the Germans' of 1933!? When will the working class people have the representation and way of life they deserve, free from the rich puppet masters and their clever manipulative dominions!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Hi S!.
Call me pessimistic or cynical, but for me the answer to your question is No!! we will never see the promised land!.
It is a myth, a dream!. My belief Spartacus is that countries are being run by big multinationals who control everything!.
The people who own the banks control the world right now!.!.!. these same people own most of the shares in all the multi national corporations!.
Two societies are forming -- The Elite who work for the corporations!.!.!. and the rest of us who live some kind of Mad Max existence OUTSIDE the gated cities of the Elite!. The Elite believe THEY are GODS!.!.!. Religion has outlived its usefulness to them!. Spartacus what we are seeing I believe is the rise of rise of corporate states!.!.!. or maybe corporate cities and corporate counties!. Multi national corporations are forming their own safe havens, guarded by their own private armies!. They are fomenting religious wars around the globe to keep the rest of us too busy to notice what they are up to, who is running the world and that the rest of us will either have to submit to them!.!.!. "take the mark of the beast" and live in their "gated communities"!.!.!. or roam like wild animals outside the corporate safety zones!.
A startling change is unfolding in the world’s food markets!. Soaring fuel prices have altered the equation for growing food and transporting it across the globe!. Huge demand for biofuels has created tension between using land to produce fuel and using it for food!.
A growing elite in the developing world is demanding more protein, from pork and hamburgers to chicken and ice cream!. And all this is happening even as global climate change may be starting to make it harder to grow food in some of the places best equipped to do so, like Australia!.
In the last few years, world demand for crops and meat has been rising sharply!. It remains an open question how and when the supply will catch up!. For the foreseeable future, that probably means higher prices at the grocery store and fatter paychecks for farmers of major multinationals who mass- farm corn, wheat and soybeans!.
Spartacus, sorry for the length of the answer, but I felt your question deserved it!.
I could write more but I feel there wouldn't be enough space!.
I liked your question!.
Good luck my friend,

if they were going to they already would haveWww@QuestionHome@Com

When they start thinking, and they are not doing that, and stop watching the idiotic 'blockbuster" movies from Hollywood, stop reading about idiotic celebrities like that rich bum of Donald Trump and crybaby Britney Spears, and the crummy "music" they are listening like rap and punk rock!. Don't you see!? They are "brainwashed" by the system!.
P!.D!.: Are you only reading Marx, Engels and Lenin and can't see what is happening around you, sir!? [Am I sounding burgeois!?]!. Any wonder why Communism failed!? Because its followers only wasted their time in theories and refused to see the reality!!! DAMN IT!!! [No wonder I got so angry and disappointed with many Marxists and Communists] And I hate conservative republicans!. But no political ideology will make us see the "promise land"!. You didn't make the answer clear!. No wonder the misunderstanding!.Www@QuestionHome@Com