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Position:Home>History> Explain how slavery became entrenched in Texas from 1820-1860?

Question: Explain how slavery became entrenched in Texas from 1820-1860!?
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The arrival of Anglo Americans in 1821 brought additional African Americans to what was Mexican Texas!. In addition to increasing the African American population in Mexican Texas, the Anglo colonists reinforced the institution of slavery!. The Mexican government tolerated slavery due to the importance the new Anglo colonists placed on the institution to provide the labor needed to continue their agricultural endeavors, and the institution of slavery grew slowly until the Texas revolution in 1836!. When Texas won its independence, the institution of slavery grew rapidly in size and strength until the close of the Civil War!. On June 19, 1865 African Americans were finally awarded their freedom!. "The Reconstruction era presented black Texans another challenge!. Many had to rebuild their lives, locate lost family members, and begin to live their lives as self -sufficient, free men and women ('African Americans', The Handbook of Texas Online)!." The end of Reconstruction brought many obstacles for African American Texans and they lost ground on many of the civil rights they gained during the Reconstruction era!.
note: agricultural endeavors were largely cotton, a labor intensive cropWww@QuestionHome@Com