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Position:Home>History> When did Texas become a "red" state? I just watched "LBJ: The ear

Question: When did Texas become a "red" state!? I just watched "LBJ: The early years" and !. !. !.!?
!. !. !. !. obviously when LBJ was a Congressman and then Senator and Senate Majority Leader, Texas was a strong Democratic state!? Yes, I live here but don't know the political history!. Do you!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Yes!. When LBJ signed the Civil Rights Bill into Law, the South became Republican after being staunchly democratic for decadesWww@QuestionHome@Com

Like the rest of the South, Texas fell victim to Nixon's clever if immoral "Southern strategy!." Knowing that Southern whites would leave their tradition roots in the Democratic Party (which they had adhered to since the Civil War, which was led by Republicans), Nixon appealed to racism in many subtle ways!. The technique was perfected by Reagan, who is said to have told his intimate friends, "It's OK to discriminate as long as you never say n****r!." Thus the Solid South became Republican where it had been Democratic!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

After FDR the Southern U!.S!. senators and representatives,
for the most part, supported segregation!. As long as they did, the rest of their agenda went relatively unnoticed!. When
segregation was outlawed and integration became commonplace, the senators and representatives (US & state)
could not hide behind a banner of segregation, and voters began to see what else their Congressmen & Senators stood for!. Then the housecleaning bagan!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Without belaboring the politics, the switch first occurred in 1972 when the Democrats nominated McGovern, a neo-Liberal!. Since then it has the Republicans have steadily consolidated their foothold here!. Like most Americans, Texans do not care for these "Ted Kennedy Clones" which the Democrats keep trying to sell and just won't vote for them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Historically, it has occasionally gone blue ( For example: When there is a southern conservative democrat running against a moderate, not too conservative Republican)!. Most of the tme though, it does go red!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

IDK either although I was born and raised in Texas!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's a good point!. I don't quite know how they got from Lyndon Johnson to George W!. Bush in a matter of a few decades!.Www@QuestionHome@Com