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Position:Home>History> What history do you learn in you country?

Question: What history do you learn in you country!?
In Greece, we learn about the ancient Greek civilizations, ancient Egypt, ancient civilizations of Mesopotamia, roman empire, byzantine empire, turkish invasion to Greece and some facts of more modern years!.
?What about your country and what is it!?
?In addition, it's a pity we don't learn ANYTHING about asiatic civilizations or Inkas!.!.!. Maybe we don't have much time!. What do you think!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
India - we start with the Indus Valley Civilisation, then the other river valley civilisations(Chinese, Mesopotamian, Egyptian) as comparison!. Then Indian history!. We had American history, European history from the Renaissance onwards, Asian history(Far Eastern, South Eastern, Middle Eastern)!. We had lessons about the South American and African civilisations, but they were deleted!. I went ahead and read them anyway from the old texts!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

In Mexico, when I went to primary school (6 to 12 years old/1949-1955), we learnt Mexican History in the 4th term, History of the Americas in 5th Term, History of the World (Egypt, Middle East, Greece, Rome, Orient, Middle Ages, Renaissance, Baroque, Revolution, Modern) in Sixth Term!. In secondary or high school (1955-1958) we went in deeper on the same subjects!. Nowadays, the children are taught a brief, politically influenced resume of national and world history!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

In the U!.S!. it's no surprise that our schools dedicate a lot of time to U!.S!. history but we also get a decent dose of European history!. We don't get too much Greek or Egyptian history!. In our younger years we also get a decent amount of history behind the Natives of the Americas including the Incas, Aztecs, Mayas and the various tribes of North America!. I do think it's a shame we don't learn about Asian history but more likely than not, since we are both western societies, our school systems want to emphasize western development and therefore don't or maybe even can't make time to learn about Asian societies!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

As an American adult, I read these questions posted here and I see how little history our students learn!.

A common question is: "Why did the Colonists want to be free from England!?" OMG! The "reasons" take up 95% of the Declaration of Independence!. They have not learned to read, either!.

They do not know that our Founding Fathers, as Deists, wrote the Constitution to be off limits to be taken over by religion, not just that govt!. could not make laws against religion!. American kids actually think America's laws are based on Christianity!. If they were taught the things the Founders wrote AGAINST Christianity, indeed against all organized religions, they would be aghast!. But Jefferson's "wall of separation between church and state" was never meant to prevent public demonstrations of religion, as our courts have so prevented at times!.

They do not know that the ugliest Presidential campaign in our history was when Jefferson tried to become president!. If those things were said today about Obama or McCain, there would be libel and defamation of character lawsuits up the ying yang!.

They do not know much about our wars!. They do not know why the British came back in 1812!. They don't know why Andrew Jackson's backwoods relatively uneducated middle class background was considered a threat to our national security when he became President!.

All one needs to do is read the questions posted here to see how little they know!.

And the shame of it is, they don't appear to know how to Google, either--probably because they can't read!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

In America, we spend most of the time in American affairs!. Our revolution, independance and wordly events that we were involved in!. That's mostly through high school!. But in college I study a lot of European history!. I have yet to take an American history course!.

Most of the stuff I know about Greece, Egypt, Rome, Maya is from taking anthropolgy courses!.

Sad isn't it!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

In my time at school in Ireland we learned about our own Irish history and the second world war, we also in our younger school days learned about the Norman and Roman conquests of Britain and Ireland, also a little bit about the Vikings!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

we learn American history, the history of western civilization which includes many of the things you have noted and world history which includes the rest of those items you mentioned!.Www@QuestionHome@Com