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Position:Home>History> What evidence suggests that Mycenaeans were a warrior race?

Question: What evidence suggests that Mycenaeans were a warrior race!?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
"The palace complex of the king in a Mycenaean city was imposing, with large fortification walls and stone gates that were meant to intimidate as well as impress would-be defeaters!."

"If the decipherment of Linear B as an early form of Greek is accepted, we may conclude that the Mycenaean social order featured a warrior caste, the heqetai!."

"The Indo-Europeans (Mycenaeans) that invaded Greece conquered the native population and reduced it to laboring status!. They also came in contact with Minoan civilization and assimilated its superior technology!."

"The Linear B tablets preserve archival records of booty obtained from warfare in coastal Anatolia (e!.g!., mention of slave women from Miletos)!.

Since they left no written legacy, no Gilgamesh epic, no law code, one suspects that the elements of the Mycenaean warrior elites, including the kings themselves, were illiterate and that they depended on their educated servants to run their palaces for them!."

"The Final phase of habitation at Knossos (Crete / Minoans) shows Mycenaean settlement there - including a throne room and the discovery of Linear B tablets!."Www@QuestionHome@Com