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Position:Home>History> Ever wonder why McCain was offered early release when he was a POW?

Question: Ever wonder why McCain was offered early release when he was a POW!?
Ever wonder why he didn't accept the release!?

Just wondering if people think about those sorts of questions, or if opinions of him are improved when people hear in a commercial that 'John McCain was offered early release from Vietnamese prison, but he refused'!. I guess I'm just a WHY kind of guy and although I have my suspicions, I am thankful for what he sacrificed for the country!. I don't know what I would have done under those circumstances!. Please don't claim that you know what I would have done, you don't even know me!.

What do people think when they hear this about John McCain!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Many prisoners of rank, were offered early release if they would make statements against the U!.S!.A!. government, some did, many did not!. It's a surprising fact that due to the techniques used to question prisoners, and man suffering dire body harm, were allowed to go along with the enemy to relieve the suffering but, they held firm!.

I was there, I know what the Vietnamese could and, did do to fellow man!. They have to be the cruelest people against an enemy, living!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No, I have never wondered why McCain was offered early release when he was a POW!. Perhaps the Vietnamese did so as a political or humanitarian gesture!. Perhaps John McCain had his own reasons for refusing early release!.

Ever wonder why all of the Vietnamese prisoners of the 'Republic of Vietnam' (the so-called 'South Vietnam') never received as much attention as one American!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

He was the son and grandson of active Navy admirals!. It would of been a propaganda ploy to release him and not others early!. He refused, and was tortured for that, and for any intelligence they could find out from him!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

he was offered to be released because his father and grand father were navy admirals---although wounded he chose to stay with his buddies---that took gutsWww@QuestionHome@Com

He showed he was more concerned about honor and duty than his personal happiness!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i know one thing for sure, you can't judge him till you've walked a mile in his shoes!.Www@QuestionHome@Com