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Question: The Maginot and Siegfried Lines!?
Are there good sites with information on the creation of the Maginot and Siegfried Lines before World War II!? (Not Wikipedia)


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The Maginot line was "worthless" because it did not extend far enough north, through Belgium!. The Belgian government would not allow its northern extension, due to their traditional neutrality and a desire to avoid provoking the Germans!. If the Maginot fortifications were not worthwhile, the Germans got full use out of the Siegfried Line (this was what the allies called it - the Germans referred to it as the West Wall)!. It was largely built by slave laborers in the employ of Organization Todt, named after its owner, Fritz Todt, which also built much of the autobahn and the coastal fortifications!.


Maginot line was worthless - Germans went around it!. Seigfried scared the crap out of Ike and he gave the supplies to Monty (for his Operation Market Garden), instead of Patton!. And, as usual Monty screwed up and the war went on for several more months then it should have!.Www@QuestionHome@Com