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Position:Home>History> What ever happened to great candidates and great presidents??!!?

Question: What ever happened to great candidates and great presidents!?!?!!!?
They are going extinct!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It has been a while, hasn't it!.

It is a difficult question to answer!. I was not old enough to have any but anecdotal memories of FDR!. My first view of an American President was Harry Truman!. I recall very well that the Eisenhower inauguration was the first live television broadcast of such an event!. My first real enthusiasm for a candidate was when in high school in Boston, I worked as a clerk and general fact totem in the JFK headquarters!. It is hard to describe what hope the JFK presidency instilled in young people!. How much we counted on him to elevate and reinvigorate the Country!. I was in college when Jack was assassinated, and like many, I went home to be with my family!. For that awful three days, few slept, many wept, all prayed!.

It is difficult to see how or where America will find a Jefferson, a Lincoln, someone like Teddy Roosevelt, Wilson, FDR!. It makes me sad to ponder that question!.

Perhaps I will live long enough to see a great man rise to the presidency, energize the Country and fulfill the promise of his office!. Perhaps,but I doubt it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Politicians now must be media savvy and play to the TV!.!. In the past politicians were scholars, great military men and people of quality!. Every once in awhile we are fortunate to see a candidate cast in the old mold of "heros" but marketing hype of campaigns is king now!.!. Candidates today sometimes load up buses with people for rallies in other places and use sound bites to project "character!." If you hold up most candidates to the Jeffersons, Lincolns, Adams, et al, you will be disappointed for sure!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I guess they are just a shadow of what was!. Today, it's just the fast food collection of anyone who can smile and agree!.

Sad isn't it, maybe we're get a Cesar through all of this eventually!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The good guys lack the vanity today's media requires of an individual to survive a campaignWww@QuestionHome@Com

they were all assassinated or aborted!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There hasn't been a good one since Clinton, except for maybe McCain!.Www@QuestionHome@Com