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Question: Settling in the West!?
Settlers from all over the world came to the American West seeking their fortune but found that opportunity was not equally available to all!. In competition for work and land, why did Anglo-American settlers usually have the upper hand!? How did legal developments contribute to this circumstance!?

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Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Whites sometimes did not allow Asians (chinese mostly) to own land, because they did not want the competition!. Blacks were often discriminated against, openly or not, legally or not!.
In areas with no legal system, the first legal systems established were usually 'miner's courts', set up by the newly arrived miners to settle disputes about mining mostly- they often passed 'rules' that denied land ownership to Chinese or blacks!. These may have been illegal, but there was at the time no one else to turn to for legal rulings!Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Native American tribes didn't use money!. They bartered for everything!. They had no concept of private ownership or documentation showing ownership!. When the Europeans arrived,this concept made it easy to trick the different tribes into giving up their land with wording in treaties the tribes didn't understand and enforced by a foreign power!.
Furthermore,most of the tribes didn't trust each other so the Whites used this to divide and conquer!.
I mean the people of France don't tell the people of Germany how to live!. Or the people of Russia enforcing their way of life on the Japanese!? The different tribes didn't understand how our government worked and beleived one person was making the decisions for life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Natives (Indians) were generally disenfranchised!.

People of African heritage were not yet emancipated!.

Discriminatory laws prevented Asians from immigrating!. Chinese men could work the rails, but women were not permitted to enter the US!.

Hispanics lived mostly in Mexico, which had less than friendly relations with the US!.Www@QuestionHome@Com