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Position:Home>History> Time period when both Indians and Cowboys existed?

Question: Time period when both Indians and Cowboys existed!?
I know cowboys still exist and everything, but I'm talking about the real deal stuff, before cars!. (Like in those old western flicks!.) also, cowboys and indians hated each other immensely, correct!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Cowboys and Native Americans did not necessarily hate each other!. There were actually several Native Americans and African Americans working as cowboys in the south and west!. Weather the two got along or not depended greatly on the tribe the Native American was from and if they were at peace with Europeans!. Not all tribes warred with Europeans!. Many were peaceful and assimilated into society!. The same is also reverse, many Europeans married into and assimilated into Native American societies!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The old western movies were a figment of the Hollywood script writers!. The time period you are wanting to know about was 1864 to the 1990's, what changed was how the cattle were taken to market, in 1990's semi trucks were used!. A cattleman still needs a good cow horse, that can cut and ride fence and buck you off if you make a mistake!. The indian wars lasted from the time the English invaded North America until the 1970's!. The last Indian shooting over fish and game rights that I know of took place in the early 1970's at Frank's Landing in Washington State!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Their existence was primarily post-Civil War starting in 1861!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Cowboy era started in 1865 with the end of the Civil war, and continued until after the turn of the century, when the frontier had been closed for years!. Say 1865 to 1910!.Www@QuestionHome@Com