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Position:Home>History> Who were the original inhabitants of England?

Question: Who were the original inhabitants of England!?
where did they come from!?
and what year did they first arrive!?


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The first people who came to Britain (I am referring to Britain rather than England, because in those times there was no such division) after the Ice Age came from the Basque regions of Spain & the Dordogne--even after all the various peoples who have come to Britain, their dna is still the most dominant strain!.
Later, about 4000 BC neolithic farmers entered the British isles!. They originally came from the near east but entered Britain after spreading their culture down the western seaboard!. They brought farming and began building the huge burial chambers and henge monuments we still marvel at today!. They have also left a very large mark on the dna of the population!.
In about 2600 BC beaker using people arrived,probably from areas in middle Europe, from the Netherlands up the the Alps!.At one time it was thought they had formed a major invasion, but it is now thought more probable that they were a small elite who spread their culture and ideas by trade!. they were the first metal users in Britain,and modified earlier henge monuments and stone circles!. It is hard to say how much genetic imprint they left!. It is theorised that anything after the neolithic was only a small drop in the genetic sea!.
the celtic languages may have arrived in either the late neolithic or the beaker period rather than the traditional 'celtic' date of about 500 BC!. there is actually no evidence of huge invasions of celtic people from central Europe at this time,and the dna taken from bones of ancient celts in the 'celtic homeland' of Hallstatt in Austria does not generally match that of the British (and the Irish too)!. So the people we call celts today are actually a much older and more indigenous people that once thought!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

there was a neolithic people known as the beaker people at around 6500 BC , they were believed to be of Iberian descent , form what is now known as Spain and Portugal , they were superseded by the Celts who seem to have originated from central Europe , but they did not have a written language and knowledge about pre roman Britain is very thin on the groundWww@QuestionHome@Com

After the end of the Pleistocene ice age ( 9,000 BC), a group of people known as britons who spoke a celtic language ( the celts being an Indo-European people) moved to the newly formed island!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It was the Golgafrinchans, they arrived 2 million years ago!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

caesar fought some people with blue faces I think they were called the piksWww@QuestionHome@Com

chinese in 1673!.
two points !!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com