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Position:Home>History> What is the one incident that started the Revolutionay War, if there is any?

Question: What is the one incident that started the Revolutionay War, if there is any!?
Coming originally from Europe, I have found that it is taught here in the US that the Revolutionay War started with the Boston Teaparty of December 1773, but I always thought it started long before that!.

I know the chain of events that led up to the Revolutionary War, the Acts and Taxes that were imposed upon the American Colonies, but even the Boston Massacre on March 5th, 1770 was (long) before the Boston Teaparty!.

I realize that this will be difficult since it is all action and reaction, but is there any specific incident that could be pinpointed as being the start of the Revolutionary War!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Actually, if you want to take a broader view, it really started when the French basically pulled out of North America in 1763!. Britain and France had always been fighting one way or another over the last few hundred years, and Britain defended their North American colonies against the French!. However, when the French pulled out, Britain took the view that the American colonies should start to help pay for their own defense, and started imposing a series of taxes to raise the money!. Unfortunately, these taxes were imposed randomly and seemingly capriciously by the British parliament, and the American colonists had no representation in parliament looking out for their interests, and began to feel that they were just a "cash cow" for Britain -- thus the popular cry, "No taxation without representation!" Thus the Boston Tea Party -- and thus "the shot heard 'round the world!."

The Boston "Massacre" is a bit of misnomer -- five civilians were killed!. "Massacre" makes it sound as if a hundred bodies were lying in the streets afterwards!. The soldier that did the shooting stood trial for murder, and, ironically, were defended by future American patriot John Adams, who felt srongly that they deserved a fair trial!. He defended them successfully, reducing the conviction to manslaugher!.

If Britain had permitted the American colonists to have representation in Parliament -- imagine how different things might have been :-) Americans might still be singing "God Save the Queen"!Www@QuestionHome@Com

As a single event that began a snowballing of events culminating in open hostilities, I always believed it was the Stamp Act of 1765!. Considering this was a revolution based on ideas of economic as well as democratic freedoms, it seems appropriate the first move by Britain would be one of economic constriction!. Reactions to that act, especially the Boston Tea Party, followed by more repressive acts, formed the vicious cycle of conflict leading to war!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The first engagements were Lexington and Concord!. That was probably the start of it due to it was the first action because people can be verbal, but to take it to physical action can really start and spread like wildfire!.

Btw!. The Boston Massacre has been debated to be heavily exaggerated!. And was just used to boost American dislike of the British!. It was more like an angry American mob surrounded a couple soldiers shouting and throwing things at them and one of the mob probably shouted fire in a way their commander would!. John Adams actually represented the British at court!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The war is generally agreed to have began on April 19, 1775 at the battles of lexington and concord!. If you're talking about the chain of events, you could probably go back to 1765 when taxes were put on the colonies!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think it was perhaps the Boston Massacre!.Www@QuestionHome@Com
