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Position:Home>History> Jerusalem : City of Peace ? Why they called it : City of Peace ?

Question: Jerusalem : City of Peace !? Why they called it : City of Peace !?
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I think "salem" means "peace" in Hebrew, and "salaam" means "peace" in Arabic!. Those are two related Semitic languages!. (Or, is it "sholem," that means "peace," in Hebrew!?)

In the Bible, Melchizedek is a priest of Salem, who meets Abraham, when the latter first arrives in Palestine!. I read that Melchizedek, whose name means something like "chief of righteousness," introduced a humane vegetarian sacrifice, of bread and wine, in place of human sacrifice!.

There are many interesting word-associations in Robert Graves' novel "King Jesus!." I think the name of Solomon might be related to Salem, and also to the willow-tree, whose name is "saile" in Gaelic and "salix" in Latin!. (The connection of the name "Solomon" to wisdom might come from the Irish legend of the salmon being the fish of wisdom!.)

The name "Jerusalem" has also been spuriously associated with the Italian "Girosole" meaning to "turn with the sun!." Thus, the "Jerusalem artichoke" is a specialized sunflower that has tubers!.

also, the ritual of "maze-walking," in which the maze symbolizes the path of the sun or perhaps the moon, has been referred to as, "Going to Jerusalem!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

Salem means peace in arabic!.


Because that is literally what Jerusalem means in all semetic languages!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

LOL, have you read the Old Testament!? War after bloody war!. They were probably exhausted!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's far from that!.
It must be ironicWww@QuestionHome@Com

isnt that the holy land!.!.!.!.thats why its called the city of peaceWww@QuestionHome@Com

It's the Holy LandWww@QuestionHome@Com