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Position:Home>History> Does king AUGUSTUS is the greatest and most HUMBLE ROMAN KING?

Question: Does king AUGUSTUS is the greatest and most HUMBLE ROMAN KING!?
my question is this the augustus was the most humble,\ roman emporer ever,does he done welfare pf public and of rome,give me details regarding augustus,
does he was great human being and merciful for roman public and done there welfare
give your answer in points like
10 so i can choose your answer as best answerWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
"Augustus is arguably the single most important figure in Roman history!. In the course of his long and spectacular career, he put an end to the advancing decay of the Republic and established a new basis for Roman government that was to stand for three centuries"
1!. He defeated Marc Anthony!.
2!.He had the loyalty of the army and promised bounty to the soldiers!.
3!.He gave land to his veterans in 41 BC!.
4!.He gave in to Sectus to get grain for Rome!.
5!.He fixed Rome's sewers!.
6!. He fixed the aquaducts!.
7!.Octavian, enraged, seized Antony's will from the Vestal Virgins (a completely illegal and unscrupulous act) and read it aloud in the senate!.
8!.He defeated Anthony and Cleopatra!.
9!.He had ended the civil wars, and all hopes for a peaceful future now rested with him and him alone!. In light of this, the senate and people voted him numerous honors in 29 BC, some of which Octavian judiciously refused, consonant with his image as respecter of tradition!. [[32]]
10!.The Augustan literary scene was also exceptionally vibrant!.Www@QuestionHome@Com