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Position:Home>History> Ramayana..the great epic... why the sage viswamithra not kept his words ?

Question: Ramayana!.!.the great epic!.!.!. why the sage viswamithra not kept his words !?
The sage viswamitra asked Dasaratha to send Rama with him to protect his sacrifice!. The sage should have handedover Rama and Lakshmana back to the king Dasaratha after he completed it!. But, the sage instead of handing over the Rama and Lakshmana to Dasaratha, took them to Mithila which led to the marriage of Rama and Sita!. was the sage then reneging on his word!?

please explain me why the sage viswamithra not kept his words!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
A good and thinkable question!.!.!.!. the following are my answer!.!.!.

Sage viswamithra was an exceptional personality whose spiritual attainments were legion and so he had a reason for what he did!. He was the seer who envisioned the Gayathri, which is the foremost vedic manthra!. The sage's request to Dasaratha to allow Rama to accompany him to guard his sacrifice was only a pretext for he wanted to bring about the marriage of the Divine couple as expiation for separating Harishchandra and chandramathi!. The sage viswamithra taught Rama and Lakshmana the use of many missiles and manthras!. He showed them many sacred spots along the Ganga and explained their significance!. one of them was about the descent of the Ganga to the earth as a ressult of Bhagiratha's austerities!.Hence, the sage viswamithra to do a good to Dasaratha's sons and as well as to teach them about the world, he took them along with him to mithila!. The actions of great sages and saints must not be judged by the common man from his standards!. The sages and saints know by their spiritual power they are not bound by time and hence they can know whatever happened in the past and also to foresee events to come!. so, they are visionaries whose actions are guided by their intuition!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

!.Vismamithra was a great sage who created dreams!.You have to interpret the dream!.He (Vismamithra) is showing the enlightenmentWww@QuestionHome@Com