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Position:Home>History> I'm trying to find out about all the different peoples who have settled in S

Question: I'm trying to find out about all the different peoples who have settled in Scotland throughout history!?
Can you help me!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

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This article about the Picts, is about the earliest known inhabitants of what we now call Scotland!.


The people of that region were called Caledonians, by the Romans, before they were called "Picts!."

The Picts were of unknown origin, probably not Celtic, or even Indo-European!. However, there were Celts living in parts of northern Britain, before the coming of any Scots from Ireland!.

(Actually the "Scots" were originally from Ireland, and they WENT TO Scotland!)

The Celts that lived in Caledonia are generally called "Welsh!." Some of them lived in Strathclyde, near Glasgow, in the southwest, and apparently some of them lived along the shore of the eastern highlands, for example at Aberdeen, and other places beginning with "Aber-!." That seems to be the same "Aber" as in the Welsh city-name of "Aberystwyth!."

That "Aber" is sometimes transliterated into Gaelic "Inver," as in "Inverness!."

Around 250 A!.D!., a Roman named Ammianus Marcellinus wrote that a previously-unknown people, the "Scotti," or "Scots," had crossed the sea from Ireland and were settling in the Western Highlands!. They spoke Gaelic, just as the other Irish did!.


Later, during the Anglo-Saxon period, there were Angles that settled in the southeastern Lowlands, around and south of Edinburgh!. Later, some Danes also settled in that region!. (During the time that the Romans occupied Caledonia's lowlands, they had also settled a Welsh tribe, the Votadini, or "Y Gododdin," in that region!.)


Norwegian Vikings conquered the islands (the Orkneys, Faeroes, Shetlands, Hebrides) around Scotland, and settled on them!. Those Vikings also conquered and settled in places on the nainland, such as Caithness and Sutherland!.


The Normans who settled in Scotland much later,
had generally lived in England for a while!. One Norman name was that of Robert the Bruce, and the named "Bruce" came from a place named "Bruys," in Normandy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Look for books or articles by Tim Devine - I remember reading something by him about the history of Scotland (a book possibly called simply "A History of Scotland"!?)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Basically you had the Picts and then there was a limited incursion by the Romans, then the Scotti (from Ireland)!. Viking incursions, then the Normans!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

For all things Scot try this web site!. www!.electricscotland!.com!.From tartans to family clans and beyond!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

My ex best friend left england to live in Scotland!.Www@QuestionHome@Com