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Position:Home>History> I think Bullfighting is Cruel?

Question: I think Bullfighting is Cruel!?
Insidiously so!. Sod Spanish History!. It's cruel!.
The Bull is manipulated, goaded, tortured, impaled with swords to lose blood and weaken to the point of surrender and defeat!.
Where is the Glory in that!? I would Dearly love to do the same to anyone thinking Bullfighting is Okay!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
um ok!.!.!.so what are ya gonna do about it!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't like any cruel "sport"!. If you kill an animal, it has to be for food, to stop it from killing your food, or stop it from killing you (without you setting up the situation yourself)

Now, if the matador is butchering the bull for his family and wants to kill it with a sword, then fine!. If its just to get some carnal pleasure from a groupie, he's an a$$!.

Of course, I think that wrapping your children in bombs to blow up civilized people's children is a horror as well, or getting some brain-dead religious fanatic to blow themselves up to kill people for that matter!. Sucking the brains out of a living baby with a partial Birth abortion is an abomination also!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I absolutely agree with you!. It should be banned and it is gradually dying out in Spain!. No new bullrings may be built!. I cannot understand how Spain can get away with it in the EU!. While it is still there I go and watch bullfighting once or twice a year!. It is full of old traditions and it is exhilarating especially when the matador gets into trouble, or worse still, gets gored!. What you see now more and more is young bulls travelling the Costa's where they are set loose, in relatively small areas, on daredevils who can easily hide behind bars!. The bulls are challenged, but not hit with sticks or whatever and the bulls “go home after a day’s work” also the Pamplona style running through the streets is copied in many other towns!. I still don't see why that is all so necessary!. Spaniards don't seem to bother to pay for the repairs after such events!. Peculiar fact: the vast majority in Spain is against any form of bullfighting, but none of the political parties risks to put banning bullfighting in its manifesto, too afraid of losing votes!.

ADD: If bullfighting had to depend on the tourist trade it would non existent long ago!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

However is a tradition in Spain!. If you don't like it, go to Spain and say that to them!. They are going to laugh at you!. Not only is a "sport" but also like a sophisticated art!. I know, my ancestors were from Spain!. In Spain bullfighters are considered popular figures like Manolete [real name was Manolos Rios] and the "El Cordobes"!. Many kids in Spain dream of becoming bullfighters!. They even play it, one kid as the bull, like kids play baseball and football in the USA!. The Spaniards will fight hard to keep that tradition!. Even painters like Goya, Zorilla and others painted bullfighting!. I am proud to be descendant of Spaniards!. I understand their traditions quite well!. Any wonder that one of the most remembered silent movies was "Blood and Sand" [1923] with Rudolpho Valentino is about a bullfighter!? Or an opera by French composer George Bizet, "Carmen", the bullfighter, "El Toreador", is the hero!? You can see why people have a fascination with bullfighting!. And I eat chicken, mind you!. Thanks!
P!.D!.: If "political correctness" go against certain traditions in some foreign countries, do not expect me to support it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Actually the torture bit seems to be a relatively new addition to the spectacle!. Originally the matador was supposed to kill the bull instantly and painlessly; if they ever failed at this then they would be ridiculed and humiliated by the crowd (things thrown at them etc) and it would basically be the end of their career!.

I agree with you, modern bullfighting is diabolically evil!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's not surprising that this issue gets a lot of people agitated,but remember it is the tourist trade that keeps this barbaric ritual going coupled with the Catholic church who seem to worship a God devoid of any compassion or sentiment!.So if you want to stop bull fighting take your holidays somewhere else and become agnostic!.Works for meWww@QuestionHome@Com

I saw a guy on television who beheaded and gutted a fish right there on camera!. Seemed kinda cruel!.

I saw a couple of kids bullying a smaller, weaker kid!. Seemed plenty cruel to me!.

I don't think the Spaniards have any particular corner on the market for cruelty!. The World is fueled by cruelty!. Picking out one brand of it and labelling it as worse than another seems kind of pointless to me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

any sports that involve animals, even for fun or entertainment of us humans, are inappropriately cruel and unjust!.!.!.we make them do something without even considering the dangers that could happen to them!. they are living beings as well and they deserve respect too!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It should go without saying, that all animal cruelty is wrong!.
After all, they are dumb animals, and have no say in the matter of what we `clever` human beings do to them!.
Do we think the same God that made us, did not make animals!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't think its necessarily ok, but its nothing to do with me!. Its the spanish tradition, if there wasn't an audience it wouldn't be done!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think your right, don't you just love it when the bull impales the matador on his horns!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I agree!.!.!.i really find it more barbaric and I don't think that torturing living things is a source of entertainment!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think your two possible answers to your question would be either: Yes or NoWww@QuestionHome@Com

I dont like it as well, but people will do anything to make fame and moneyWww@QuestionHome@Com