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Position:Home>History> Why were troops sent into Northern Ireland in 1969?

Question: Why were troops sent into Northern Ireland in 1969!?
Please can i have some details on:
Jack Lynch mobilizing Eires Army
Stormont losing control
IRA incresing activity

and moreWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
To protect Catholics who were being burnt out of their homes by Protestants!.
The Civil Rights movement started in 1968 following the black civil rights movements in the USA!.
The aim was to get equality for Catholics in housing, employment and voting rights!.
The Protestants wanted to keep their hold on power so they attacked the civil rights marchers and burnt their houses!.
The British Prime Minister, James Callaghan sent in troops to prevent this but it wasn't very effective!.
The IRA saw this as a great opportunity to get some backing from the Catholic community so they started to confront the Protestants who fought back!.
The British soldiers tried to step in and the IRA realised that this was a good chance to attack their old enemies!.
From there things went from bad to worse!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because there was so much rioting and destroying of property, people and buildings!. It didn't make a lot of difference though!. They were supposed to be peace keepers!. I'm just glad that all the 'troubles' are over!.Www@QuestionHome@Com