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Position:Home>History> Where did the aboriginal people originate from? (what country)?

Question: Where did the aboriginal people originate from!? (what country)!?
I have always thought they were from Africa, but some research and found they also came from some parts of asia!. Are they a mixed breed!? More information please!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
First, all aboriginal people are from whatever land they are born in, if some other people move into that country later on, then the people that were there first are the "aboriginal" people - the ones that were there first!. That's what the word means, roughly, "towards the beginning" and it is used for more people than just aboriginal Australians!.

As for aboriginal Australians, they are thought to have migrated from southern or southeast Asia about ten thousand years ago!.

An Aboriginal Australian might tell you about the Dreamtime if you ask them about their origin!.

Yes, they were from Africa at the VERY beginning of the sapiens sapiens subspecies, but they weren't the same people then!.!.!. that was a good 200,000 years ago!. Those were everybody's ancestors!. They got to Australia from Asia, which is the sensible way for someone without a good modern fleet of ships to get to Australia!.

About the original migrations, there were already H!. sapiens neanderthalensis in Europe and elsewhere when H!. sapiens sapiens first left Africa!.!.!. they are two different offshoots of H!. sapiens heidelbergensis which had been widely distributed for a long time

also the ice-age was a big factor in making islands into peninsulas, I think the migration to Australia was a bit earlier than the pre-clovis migration into America because the Bering Isthmus was blocked by too much ice at firstWww@QuestionHome@Com

According to current thinking - all humans originated in central Africa and migrated around the world from there!. That is the only way we can explain why organ transplants match between Chinese and Europeans or Americans!. The genetics are basically the same, but the superficial appearances are different!.

So, they originated in Africa as we all did, migrated to Asia, and crossed from Asia to Australia where they persist to this day!. They did not evolve in Australia!. No human beings evolved in North and South America either - they walked there from Asia!.

See "Guns, Germs and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies" by Jared M!. Diamond 1997Www@QuestionHome@Com

There were two distinct migrations out of Africa!. It was thought a dry spell bringing droughts stopped he first one and drove the migrants back to areas like Southern Spain, Northern Italy, then thousands of years later, a second migration took place!.

Picture a fan going North, the left side went to Western Europe and along the Glacier that was in an are from Poland to France, with the Neanderthal living along the edges!.

The right side of the fan went into places like the "Fertile crescent" Of Iraq, Iran, these areas!. This is where, about ten to fifteen thousand years ago, they started farming!.

The fanned out, to Western China, the Eastern areas of Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia and, down through Indonesia that was connected by land bridges!. All the way into Australia, Australopithecus!.

Look into National Goegraphic to find a timeline, this only gives you an idea of who, what, where and, when !? appox!.

Migrants that went North, into the Russian penn!. and Japan are a complete different story!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If what I remember is right they did come from Africa, they crossed a land bridge after the ice age into South East Asia and from there they used another land bridge to get to Australia!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I thought it was AustraliaWww@QuestionHome@Com

Aboriginals are from AustraliaWww@QuestionHome@Com

i thought they were from australia!.!.!.!.and i think they are the native peoples of that landWww@QuestionHome@Com

We are ALL from Africa!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

australia is correct!. they are STILL there!.Www@QuestionHome@Com