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Position:Home>History> I need a place were pirates spent most of their time during the 18th century?

Question: I need a place were pirates spent most of their time during the 18th century!?
I'm writting a book about pirates, and I need a location, actually a few of them!. But if you give me one I can find others (islands) around there!.

Port Royal is a good one, but that's to over-done!.
I've searched google and haven't really come up with anything, any ideas!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Well, if you want to stay in the Caribbean, Nassau would be good!. But the Barbary pirates were going so well during the 1700s that most nations combined to shut them down near the end of that period!. What would it do to your concept to shift to the Mediterranean and North Africa!? Algiers and places like that!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

For the English and Dutch Tortuga in the Caribbean The English Colonies in North America Particularly The Cape Hatteras Area where Blackbeard was captured,
For the French the East coast of Canada the French Colony of Mozambique in the Indian Ocean,Where They could raid English shipping and colonies!.

For th Southeast Asians Malaysia, Indonesia Any place on the East Coast of China, Mindanao in the Philippines!.

For the Arabs Off the Persian Gulf an least we forget the Famous Barbary Prates in North Africa!. also off the coasts of both West and East Africa

All these are still Pirate havens today except for North Africa which has been tamed by Europe and the US!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Check this out, it mentions several pirate haunts, e!.g!. Nassau, Tortuga and Aruba!.


Practically any British colony in the Caribbean (e!.g!. Barbados, St Thomas, Tobago, the Virgin Isles) would have been a haunt for pirates!.

also check out this six-part guide to pirate havens!. It discusses Madagascar, Port Royal, Tortuga, and New Providence:


Depends on what pirates you're talking about!.
Pirates in the Mediterrainian, Atlantic, Carribean or Pacific!.
You can pick just about any coastal town in Europe and early Americas!. Portugal, Spain and Spanish colonies were popular for pirates because they liked the pirates attacking British ships!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Honestly, they were on their ship most of the time!. Many pirates had bases on random islands scattered across the Atlantic!. Try the Azors, by portugal!. There are many small islands there!. Indonesia also has a large scattering of islands!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'd say top 3 places, pirates spent most of their time during the 18th century were:
1) ships
2) taverns
3) whore-housesWww@QuestionHome@Com


How about the Bahamas!?Www@QuestionHome@Com