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Position:Home>History> Would what is now Southeastern Mass. been better off being Plymouth Colony?

Question: Would what is now Southeastern Mass!. been better off being Plymouth Colony!?
Had Plymouth Colony had remained separate from the Mass!. Bay colony(later as a separate state in the union),would the people of Plymouth have been better off for it!. Not to be at the whims of those running Beacon HillWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I don't think so!. I think the size and population of Massachusetts is what forced the rest of the colonies to want to help it in its battle with the English!.

Had it not had the economy or population, the other colonies would have been more likely to overlook its punishment at the hands of the British, and then it, and the other 13 colonies, may not have been united enough to battle the British for independence!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Only for those in Bristol County!Www@QuestionHome@Com