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Position:Home>History> Poem: Wrongly Accused ... thoughts please?

Question: Poem: Wrongly Accused !.!.!. thoughts please!?
Go ahead and string me up
On the gallows where I will die
Shamed and accused
Of crimes I did not commit
I would never take a life
Go ahead! Let me hang
From the rafters with your glee
But you should know
The murders will not
Cease with the death of me
Go ahead! String me up!
Do as you wish to do
But it doesn't matter
That's what you think
Someone has to be blamed
But how man deaths will it take
Until you get the right man!?

*** This poem was inspired by a book by Patricia Cornwell, "Jack the Ripper: Case Closed" ***Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
May be it would make a good answer to some of the recent questions in the law & ethics/law & enforcement section about reintroducing the death penalty in the UK!? Its sentiment is intriguing - how do we protect the innocent from being convicted!? In this day and age, with miscarriages of justice so far in the past, that concern seems to have been forgotten in most jurisdictions!. Thank youWww@QuestionHome@Com

It's actually not half bad!.I normally trash the "poetry" on here and i only looked to see just how cringe worthy it was but i am pleasantly surprised!. I'd work on line two, it doesnt quite fit with the rhythm of the poem and the 'the murders will not cease with the death of me' needs altering as the impact isnt as strong as it could be!. Well done though!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Excellent! I read most of that book myself, and I think a lot of it is B!.S!. Cornwell obviously has her own pet theory about the identity of Jack the Ripper, so she grasps for all the "evidence" she can find!. (Never mind the fact that none of it is conclusive!.) I think it's just too bad that Walter Sickert or any of the other "suspects" isn't here to defend himself!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I understood this was the History section and not the Poetry
section!. Am I correct!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Put that poetry stuff in the poetry categoryWww@QuestionHome@Com

I think it's sh!.tWww@QuestionHome@Com