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Position:Home>History> Who fought at the Battle of Trafalgar?

Question: Who fought at the Battle of Trafalgar!?
I need to know a few questions!.!.!. Who fought at the battle of Trafalgar and who won!?!.!.!. ThanxWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Trafalgar was the British fleet under Admiral Nelson against the French and Spanish fleets under Admiral Villeneuve!. The British won!.

Waterloo involved three armies!. The British Duke of Wellington commanded an army which consisted of British, Dutch and German troops!. He was allied to the Prussian army, under Marshal Blucher!.

On the other side was Napoleon, commanding the French army!. The British and Prussians defeated the French!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The French navy came from Gibraltar and the British, from the north!. Trafalgar is a shoal outside the south-west of Spain!. The French lost the battle but Admiral Nelson lost his life too!.

Waterloo is about 30 km to the south of Brussels in Belgium!. Incidentally, it is also on the border between the Germanic Europe and the Latin one!. Waterloo is, as you understand, a Germanic name!. But the village next to it is called Genval, which is a typical Latin/French name!.
At the time Belgium was French!. After Waterloo and the treaty of Vienna of 1814, it was put in union with The Netherlands until 1830 !.!.!. but I digress!. Sorry, you already got the answers you need; I just wanted to add a bit since I was born near Waterloo and sailed my sailboat over the Trafalgar shoals in 1975! :-)Www@QuestionHome@Com

At Trafalgar, the British were spearheaded by Admiral Horatio Nelson and his flagship "The Victory"!. Nelson was killed during the battle on 21 October, 1805 on the deck of "The Victory"!. In the end the British defeated France!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

trafalgar, england v france, england won,
waterloo, england v france, england won,
bit of a pattern there!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

battle of trafalgar was NelsonWww@QuestionHome@Com

Britain against the French and Spanish combined fleet!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

the pigeons lostWww@QuestionHome@Com