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Position:Home>History> In early 1950's when Baby Boomers were just starting families,what was their

Question: In early 1950's when Baby Boomers were just starting families,what was their opinion about economy that time!?
What did they think the future would be like!? And what did they wanted out of life!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
First off- the Baby Boomers were the generation being born in the 1950's (1946-1964, roughly)!. It was their parents who were starting the families: what some people call the "G!.I!." Generation because they fought World War Two!. They are also called the Greatest Generation because they struggled through the Great Depression!. (see the links in sources for two books on this generation)!.
In a general sense the 1950's saw one of the greatest economic decades in our country's history!. The increase in productivity from the needs of War World II and the fact that America rose as the only country involved in the war that was not faced with a crumbled economy- meant that the U!.S!. became the greatest producer in the world!. The rough estimate is that in the 1950's America made 80% of all products sold in the world!. Thus the view of the country was one of pride and optimism!. The future looked bright!. Yet the development of the Cold War threatened us in foriegn areas (we would fight the Korean War in the 50's)!. And the rising hostility in the South where blacks were challenging the Jim Crow laws, the development of TV to broadcast this unrest into America's homes- forshadowed the tumultuous 1960's!. But I think they, ultimately, wanted what we have always wanted!. A chance to live a happy and long life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Actually, the Baby Boomers were born between 1945 and about 1960!. After the war, many of the servicemen came home, and since the economy was booming, many of them decided it was a good time to start a family!. Most of the Baby Boomers didn't start their families until the 70s and 80s!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Baby boomers were only abuout 5-10 years old in the 50's, so I guess the ones that were starting families at 10 thought the future to be pretty bleakWww@QuestionHome@Com

"Hey look, I can buy all this stuff now, because the rationing is over! My gosh, how I deserve all this stuff!"Www@QuestionHome@Com