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Position:Home>History> Reading 'The Sion Revelation' by Lynn Picknett and Clive Prince?

Question: Reading 'The Sion Revelation' by Lynn Picknett and Clive Prince!?
Does The Priory really exist!? I think: Yes
Is plantard a hoax!? I think: No
How about you!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
They exist!. They are derived from the Illuminati!. They manipulate the mass population by deliberate mis-information, propaganda, they manifest themselves politically on BOTH sides to keep issues going and rule the world behind the screens!.
Bloodwise they are all related and breed through 'donors'!.
Hitler was one of them and Bill Clinton is!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hi Luna!.
"The assertion that the Priory of Sion doesn't exist frankly amuses me, to our knowledge, one can count at least eleven around the world!. -- Gino Sandri, Priory of Sion general secretary"
"Given what we know of Plantard's pre-1956 career – and his involvement in the dramatic events of 1958 – if we were asked to assess the raison d'etre of the Priory of Sion in, say, 1960, we would have to conclude it was a front for those who had plotted de Gaulle's return to power!. -- Lynn Picknett and Clive Prince"
Read The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail, and Bloodline of the Holy Grail if you want to know more!. The latter really goes into symbolism in renaissance paintings!. Draw your own conclusions!. Something happened at Rennes le Chateau, but what!?
The Messianic Legacy is another book that expands on the story!.
Immediately prior to the Prologue in The Da Vinci Code, author Dan Brown makes a point of confirming the authenticity of the Priory of Sion!.

It was, he says, a European secret society founded in 1099!. Another source gives the date as 1090, the place as the Holy Land, and the founder as Godfroy de Bouillion, who captured Jerusalem in 1099!. After the fall of Jerusalem to the Crusaders, Godfroy ordered that an abbey, the Abbey of Notre-Dame du Mont de Sion, be built on the site of a ruined Byzantine church to house his personal canons (members of a cathedral chapter) who, according to Priory records, later became involved in helping to create the Knights Templar to ?serve as the Order of Sion?s military and exterior administrative arm?!. (Cracking the Da Vinci Code, p!. 130)
It is claimed that the Knights Templar co-operated with the Priory of Sion until 1188 when the two bodies were unable to resolve a major dispute and officially abandoned their alliance!. While the Templars continued to operate publicly until their order was dissolved by Pope Clement V in 1307, the Priory of Sion apparently became an underground movement under the name of the Order of the Rose-Cross Veritas!. By association of terms, it seems that the still-existing movement known as the Rosicrucians had its roots in this order!.
An interesting note is that a Catholic Order called the Priory of Sion did exist in the Middle Ages, although it had nothing to do with the Merovingians or any alternative history of Jesus and Mary Magadalene!. Nor does it appear to have had any relationship to the Priory of Sion of Dan Brown?s novel!.

Many people joined the Priory of Sion after 1956, and more followed when the finding of Les Dossiers Secrets (not by library staff, but by members of Pierre Plantard?s group) was announced!.
Today, despite Pierre Plantard?s documentary evidence being regarded as highly suspicious and probably fraudulent, the Priory of Sion continues to exist as a small occult group, focusing on themes and rituals which it has in common with several other older orders!.
I hope this is of help!.
Good luck my friend,

I really can't take those people seriously!.Www@QuestionHome@Com