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Position:Home>History> Anyone else a little more than reminded of October 1962?

Question: Anyone else a little more than reminded of October 1962!?
I hope the people in power today learned from the lessons the peole in power during the early Kenedy administration learned!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I remember October 1962 very clearly - and we did not know all of the truly frightening details at that time - - such as the Soviets having several submarines in the area with nuclear tipped torpedoes with the submarine captains authorized to fire at their own discretion!
This is nowhere near as dangerous!. Iran has no nuclear warheads - - yet! When they have them, I will be VERY concerned!. The Soviets were not suicidal during the Cold War years!. Islamic extremists seem to have no fear of death!. That is dangerous indeed!. Threats of retaliation do not work if the enemy does not mind being killed!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Kennedy totally mishandled the events you're referring to!. He's the one who brought us to the brink of annihilation by making something public that should have been kept private between heads of state!. Once he went on television and gave his little speech, Khrushchev couldn't back down!.

Every president since then has learned a lesson from the mistakes Kennedy made that week!. They're much smarter when it comes to handling any crisis the world might send our way!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't understand why we aren't much, much more worried about Iran and it's missles!. If Bush keeps pushing them into a carner, then they will fight their way out!. What a terrible time to have a half-wit like Bush at the helm!Www@QuestionHome@Com

No there is no comparison to 1962!. Obama would have you believe so but believe me Obama is no John Kennedy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Iran testing short-range ballistic missiles is nowhere near the USSR putting nukes on an island 90 miles from the US mainland!. Big difference, HUGE difference!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Heh!.!.!. Somehow, I don't think Iran comes close to the Cold War Soviet Union in terms of military threat!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

what were they!?!? srry im 15 and dont rly know what happened!Www@QuestionHome@Com