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Position:Home>History> How many people out there are against the wars usa has been in?

Question: How many people out there are against the wars usa has been in!?
all wars were BS accept American revolution ,war of 1812 and war of southern indecence!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I agree that the early wars were fought on principle while the later wars were fough for empire with principle used to rally the people!. Our Southern ancestors fought to keep us a far different nation that what we have evolved into!. But as a pragmatic and realistic person, I've come to realize that money, power, greed and corruption will always be and as such, I believe that even had the South won its independence, the country would probably not be much different that today!. I believe that world events would still have panned out the way they have!.

The American people will only stand for so much before they have had enough!. It is our duty to always be vigilant and keep those in power in check!. There is so much that goes on that you and I don't know!. Lets pray and put our faith in the almighty that right prevails!. That's all we can do!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The US Civil War should never have happened!. Too many mistakes and a rash of indecisiveness led to that war!. Vietnam and Korea were nothing but political wars!. WWII was very necessary as is the current war on terrorism!. People who are against this war obviously forget the events that led up to it!. Look at the sanctions the UN imposed on Iraq!. They can be found at http://www!.iraqwar!.org/impossible!.htm
Notice every one of them were passed only after continuous warnings and all of them were ignored by the president of Iraq!.

Hussein also continually violated the agreement to let the United Nations verify his weapons arsenal Here is a list of those violations!.

Can anyone who knows the truth be against the removal of such a madman!? Now that he's out of the way, the responsible thing to do is make sure one of his followers doesn't take up the fight!. Peace isn't merely the lack of war, it's the lack of an enemy's potential to wage war!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I will agree with you in regards to the war in Iraq!. However, I do agree with the rest of the wars the U!.S!. has fought (with the exception of the Spanish-American War)

People say that World War I was a waste of a war!. It was, for the Europeans that is!. However, the U!.S!. fared rather well at the end!. Our political power and military prestige grew as a result, and set us on the course to be the world's superpower!.

I find it interesting that you disagree with the United States entering World War II!. It's about as close to a justifiable war as you could get-- i!.e!., we were attacked, and were just defending ourselves!.

Just a thought!.


?2008 SinisterMatt!. All Rights Reserved!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

ok - sorry to disappoint there sparky - but the unfortunate reality is that many USA citizens and non-US people agree with the wars the USA fights!.

Whilst I am more skeptical I do think that this is not the place to peddle so obviously your political views!.!.!. regardless of what they may be!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would agree as regards the US interference in Yugoslavia- especially backing the islamic radicals in Bosnia and Albania!. Especially as it was just a "wag the dog" war to hide Clinton's zipper problem
However I definetly support US involvement in other conflicts - especially Afghanistan ans Iraq!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

What difference does it make!. You live here, freedom isn't free!. If your not willing to live and die for freedom, move!. And, Switzerland does have a military!.

I put in two tours in 'Nam and was shot twice!. I ask this, ask your country what you can do for it, not what your country can do for you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Maybe you can move to Switzerland!. I think they don't even have a military!.Www@QuestionHome@Com