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Position:Home>History> Did Australia ever contemplate of a revolution like the American colonists?

Question: Did Australia ever contemplate of a revolution like the American colonists!?
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The situations were too different!. America was colonised from the Sixteenth Century onwards, by people from a number of nations!. The new inhabitants were religious groups, adventurers, pioneers and patriots!.

Australia gained its immigrant population only within the last 200 years, mainly from a particular section of one country - those criminals who had been deported from Britain, typically for minor crimes such as sodomy or prostitution, and the warders and guards who were paid to oversee them!. With the exception of a few prison riots and some banditry by escapees, there was never a problem with those sent there!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have never heard anything of this!. Australia was settled much later than other colonies in the British Empire!. It wasn't even discovered and mapped by the British until the early 1770's!. It was originally a penal colony, where Great Britain sent all the debtors and criminals that its prisons could not hold!. By the time everything had been settled, the British Empire was at its most influential, with other holdings in South Africa, Canada, India and most of East Africa!. Great Britain recognized that it could not keep places like Canada and Australia as part of the Empire forever, seeing as how the majority of the population were British settlers who would be requiring self-governance sooner rather than later!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No!. Australia was settled later than the North American colonies were!. At first it was a prison colony, but more and more people from the British Empire went there to settle because of the very cheap land and the frontier sorts who dislike law enforcement!. Most of the early immigrants were British, and they retained fond memories of the mother country!.Www@QuestionHome@Com