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Position:Home>History> Who had more to do with ending the Cold War: The U.S. or the USSR?

Question: Who had more to do with ending the Cold War: The U!.S!. or the USSR!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The USSR collapsed upon itself, but it's really a question between 3: The US, The USSR, and the Soviet satellite nations!. Before the USSR's collapse, nations like Poland and East Germany rebelled, causing people in the USSR to rebel, and Mikhail Gorbachev (spelling!?) got captured, then he was seen as weak and the USSR split into states then reunited again as Russia!. Democratically!. You could say that it was started by the dictator-like idea of communism that Stalin imposed!. Leninism was successful!. Stalin killed the Soviets!. The USSR definitely had more to do than the US, all we did was put pressure on an already weakened Soviet frameworkWww@QuestionHome@Com

Many factors!.
The US with Reagan and Star Wars made it impossible for the Russians to keep up with our military spending!.
The Soviet economy had always been a sort of Potemkin villiage sham--not up to the aleged numbers put out!. Economically the Soviet empire was a sham!.
Pope John Paul II and Poland with Solidarity and Lech Walensa, Gorbachew, Reagan, Thatcher--all were important in ending the Cold War!.
The SU was like a house of cards!. The other countries were there to call the bluff and blow it down!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The USSR!. Whenever there was a confrontation -eg, Cuban Missile Crisis, disarmament treaties over nuclear arms - it was the USSR that backed down!. They were the first to make a genuine effort to change, via glasnost!. In other words, all the changes in USSR's society came through the Russian's own initiative!. The US's efforts to constantly build up arms, and military posturing, only escalated the conflict!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well i guess the USSR because basically they just internally fell apart and then the Cold War was over!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The USSR!. They over-extended on their defense budget and, like the US, got into a war they couldn't win!. The government collapsed!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The economy caused the end of the cold war!. Not a country or political party!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The USSR!. When it broke, so did the cold war!.Www@QuestionHome@Com
