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Position:Home>History> Why was the Revolution a significally historic event?

Question: Why was the Revolution a significally historic event!?
Please help got an essay to do! :) Thanks xWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
it established the rights of the ordinary people against the aristocracy right to ride roughshod over the peasants , and it spread that principle all over the western world , Sadley not over the eastern world and Africa which mostly is still in the dark ages !.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The French Revolution was a historic event, because it marked the end of feudalism, dominated by nobility in Europe and the beginning of Mercantilism, dominated by the upcoming commercial bourgeoisie!.
The limitations for free travel and trade imposed by the many fiefdoms like counties, duchesses, principalities and other forms of noble land possession with numerous barriers and imposition of tolls impeded the free flow of commercial goods!. This Revolution used the slogan liberty, freedom and equality motivating the slaves in the french and other colonies in the west to start their quest for freedom!. This resulted in Haiti becoming the first free state governed by ex-slaves in America!.
The elimination of all the internal boundaries resulted in bigger national states and narrow nationalism, which led to innumerable wars, i!.e!. the Napoleonic wars!.
After Napoleon gained all that power through his war time successes, he crowned himself emperor and became an absolute ruler again!. His power however was gained pursuing expansion of trade territories in Europe for the French bourgeoisie!. The reign and example of Napoleon set the tone for the later conquest of new colonial markets in Africa and Asia by all the European powers at that time: France, England, Italy, Belgium, Holland!.
The French revolution also laid the ground work for what would later be the Industrial Revolution in England and it even influenced the American Revolution!. All these revolutions had a couple of things in common:
- Liberate and expand markets
- Liberate slaves and indentured laborers, so that they could become (free) laborers
- Find new territories to supply consumers as well as cheap labor!.


First of all, define your revolution!. I think it started out all right in France!. Liberty, Brotherhood, Equality!.
The newly formed USA embraced this philosophy, but then it became clear, that some men (and we wont talk about women) were more equal than others!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Although the result of the French Revolution was the rule of an Absolute Monarch, it gave the rest of Europe the ideals of liberalism and democracy!. The revolution later contributed to the Democratic governments around the world!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Agree with the previous post!.!.!.The American Revolution, The French Revolution, The Russian Revolution, etc!. !.!.!. more info please!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It was the first major successful overthrow of absolutism on the European continent!. It proved that what happened in America could happen in Europe!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Which revolution would that be!?Www@QuestionHome@Com