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Question: League of Nations organization!?
Does the League of Nations remind you of any of today’s world organizations!? If so, which one!? Why does the League of Nations remind you of that organization!? Can you think of any similarities or differences between the two organizations!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Yes, it is the United Nations!.

The League of Nations is considered in some circles to be the original United Nations!. It was Woodrow Wilson's idea, as a part of his 14 point plan!. He tried to pass it after World War I!. It was the first idea of a multi-national organization that would help prevent another World War!.

Ironically, even though Woodrow Wilson thought of it, the United States Senate never passed it!. It was held up by Henry Cabot Lodge who opposed Wilson for political revenge and not because he thought it was a good or bad idea!. also, the idea of a multi-national organization built on peace was originially from Immanuel Kant's work "Perpetual Peace, a Philosophical Sketch"

-It was never ratified by the United States, so it ultimately failed
-The Security Council and the 5 Permanent Veto Powers of the United Nations was not in the League of Nations--- LofN had 4 permanent members (same as the UN but without the US)
-League of Nations had no armed force, so it relied heavily on the United States for enforcement, but since the U!.S!. did not technically join, that created a problem
-League of Nations was established as a part of the Treaty of Versailles
-Woodrow Wilson was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for the League of Nations, despite never getting it through the US Congress
-Germany was not permitted to join because it had been the aggressor in WWI, perhaps if it had been allowed to join, there would have been more diplomatic oversite on the rise of the Nazi party and WWII could have been prevented, but that is highly doubtful

That's all I have time for!. Good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

The League of Nations was an ambitious idea set forth by US President Wilson that nations were on equal footing; and by sheer force of numbers would be able to stop offensive war by embargos and trade restrictions on the attacker- while sending aid to the attacked!. They initially made some great steps, and ambitious steps at that!. Voting for a new international language for example!.

Unfortunately, a few things happened that sealed the fate of the UN!. The US didn't join (for reasons that the Congress thought it was unconstitutional to seed powers of the constitution to a power not in the constitution); and the most powerful countries- England and France refused to help it along- for fear of the new idea of self-determination be used to strip them of their overseas colonies!. Japan proved the league useless when it failed to halt their attacks in China, and left the league!.

The UN was basically a retool of the League; with some important structural differences- like the UN Army, and the Security Council; which helped the 5 most powerful countries at the time keep tight control over the UN!. Its mission was far more limited, and rather than being a necessary step towards a unified world government, like its predecessor, it is hampered by squabbling delegates too focused on their own needs to see the greater good & ideals!.

Both groups had/have the potential for success in their missions; but rely on member states voluntarily abiding by decisions made!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The United Nations

They're pretty much the same thing, except the UN has more member countries, and actually does things that have an affect!. (though, critics may tell you otherwise)Www@QuestionHome@Com