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Position:Home>History> What made Pope John Paul II such a successful leader?

Question: What made Pope John Paul II such a successful leader!?
best answer goes to someone who can answer
Why is he a successful leader!?
What are the qualities of leadership exhibited by Pope John Paul II!?

the best and most detailedWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Whether or not you agreed with Catholicism, John Paul II made real connections with people--he came across as a genuine person--frankly a rarity in the Vatican!. He was the first pope to travel so extensively (often the first to visit most of the countries), and returned often to his beloved Poland!.

He touched young people, and helped to revive young attendance at Catholic churches worldwide!. He was a successful leader in that he got consensus, not always willingly, among church leadership!. I didn't agree with much of his dictates, but he was fair in a way in that he never changed without reason!.

The nasty comments on this question are really pathetic!. You can admire someone while not agreeing with him or her!. Those answers are very childish and immature!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Was he successful!? He led for a long time!.!.!.is that the measure of success!? Lots of people liked him!.!.!.is that the measure of success!? He was able to accomplish some things, but by his own admission he failed to accomplish what he set out to do!.

Dunno!. If this is homework, I would drill down deeper and get more specific!. Look for what you think he was successful AT and then ask your question again!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

An amazing ability to truly convince himself his nonsense religion has any relevance to the modern world!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Pope John Paul II forgave the person who shot him!.

He was srtong,forgving, and took nothing for granted!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Gullibility of the deluded faithfulWww@QuestionHome@Com